The theme deplores the conditions of the slum quarters of Rio (and ghettos everywhere) and finds a young girl from the provinces who comes to Rio de Janiero in search of her fiance and finds he is a feared and hunted criminal. The scenes between the idealistic-but-trapped young lovers is depicted in soft images of tenderness and sensitivity that leads to a climax of shocking vi... (展开全部) The theme deplores the conditions of the slum quarters of Rio (and ghettos everywhere) and finds a young girl from the provinces who comes to Rio de Janiero in search of her fiance and finds he is a feared and hunted criminal. The scenes between the idealistic-but-trapped young lovers is depicted in soft images of tenderness and sensitivity that leads to a climax of shocking violence in the Rio slums.
~In Stock~(无字,现实主义题材,可作领略城市风光及民族音乐用.从枪战的剪辑、高曝光的心理蒙太奇处理、仿默片等段落可以明显看出新电影运动的影响,主角首尾相合的表现蛮有冲击力的,另外,旋转拍和拉-推拍拍人脸真的好用)
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